Lutheran Station in Garoua Boulai |
So how is it different here? Let me count the way! First, there was a lot more travel involved
to get back here, including a 5-hour time change. I am back to speaking a lot of French instead
of being surrounded by English. I also
hear Sango and Gbaya and feel like I need to do more to become proficient in
Next, there is much more uncertainty in my
current return. I knew it was likely,
but dealing with it day-by-day is sometimes wearing. Although security in CAR is better in some
ways, overall insecurity is still rampant.
Villages and the capital are still plagued by violence. So, I won’t be going back to CAR right away,
even though everything remains calm in Baboua, my “home” town.
I worry about my Central African colleagues
– well, everyone there, really, especially those in the villages who have no
say in the difficulties that have invaded their lives. Please continue to pray for peace in CAR and
stability in the people’s lives again.
As I arrived back in Garoua Boulai, I found
boxes of books and other materials from Joe and Deb Troester who worked in
Baboua for 5 years and lived in the house next to mine. Dr. Joe worked with PASE, a program working
to bring clean water to villages, and Pastor Deb taught at the Theological
Seminary. Neither could do their work at
a distance; so, with the continuing insecurity, they have left
definitively. I will miss them and the
support they gave me during my first year of work. I wish them the best as they look for their
next job and face much larger readjustment issues that I do! I also appreciate the books and materials they
have left behind for us to share.
I took time upon arrival to sort through
and organize my new and older books. I
love books! (I am extremely
grateful for
my Kindle which provides me with an endless supply, but have really enjoyed
reading “real” books this week!) I have
reorganized the bookcase in the guest house living/dining room so that the old mission
books are on the bottom two shelves.
These are novels and religions books for children and adults that have
been here for years (some are dated 1959!).
On the other shelves are now books divided by language (Sango, Gbaya,
French, English-language learning) and topic (papers for work, and novels). Organized and ready to use – though I don’t
look forward to having to move them – the one major drawback to “real” books!
I am also content that everyone I meet is
happy to see me in GB again – including a couple of Fulani women I pass
regularly on the street! They did a
double take when they saw me for the first time after a month and smiled shyly
saying “Sanu” (hello). It feels good to
be recognized and appreciated (even if we don’t speak the same language or know
each other)!
I have noticed another cultural
phenomenon. My weight has not changed
much over the past year. Still, when I
went to the US, various people said, “Oh, you lost weight!” Now that I am back, several people have said,
“Oh, you’re gained weight!” In both
contexts, these are complements. How our
perceptions are colored by what our culture values/thinks about.
I have restarted my work with the Village
School Program and Christian Education.
I will also be having discussions with the National President of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of CAR, the Director of the Bible School in GB, and
others to see if I can support other education programs in CAR and/or Cameroon
while I am based in GB.
Uncertainty abounds so readjustment more
difficult, but I am trying to focus on the positive and the known. There is much that I can learn and do,
including learning to better live with uncertainty. I thank God for the support of family,
colleagues, friends, and readers of this blog as I do my best based here in
Garoua Boulai.