Luther's Reformation. October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany, calling the Christian church to reform its practices so that they would be in line with the Word of God as written in the Bible. It started the reformation and “protest”ant churches. We still need to be constantly vigilant so that negative human desires don’t overwhelm us. We need to insist that those who govern do so justly and fairly. We must work to counter the tendency toward greed, vengeance, and power-grabbing. (OK. It’s Sunday, but you don’t need a sermon here!
I am thinking of these things now because
the situation in CAR which seemed to be improving has slipped. Rebels have attached the military base in
Bouar. This is the town where the
headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church – Central African Republic are
located. Friends and colleagues live
there so it hits closer to home for me – but it is another of the sporadic
outburst of violence in the country. It
is true that countries in the region have sent troops to help disarm the rebels. I have heard that the process has been working
well in the capital, Bangui. I had been
hopeful that the process would spread out and bring calm and security to the
whole country. Unfortunately, the
telephone network is not working well and most calls I try to make into Bouar
have not gone through. Through others, I
have heard that our colleagues are OK.
Many took refuge in a local church or in the fields.
Already, October 27, 2013 was designated as
a day that all people, of ALL faiths, pray for peace in the CAR. The need is even greater now than
before. Pray and work for peace.
On a
lighter note
decided to write about them despite the depressing news from the country next
door. Food spot on a "clean" counter |
Toothpaste spot - bathroom sink |
On a walk yesterday, I saw a trail of other
black ants about ½ inch long. Following
each other and crossing the road as if they owned it! We, of course, stepped over them. I am very glad they are not in my house
knife in kitchen sink |
The ones that are currently in my house –
and everywhere – are the very tiny reddish ones (maybe 1/8 inch). I have heard them called sugar ants. That seems to be true. If I leave a juice glass in the sink, within
in an hour it will be swarming with these ants.
They also go for the sugar cubes other sweet things. On the other hand, they like other things,
too: grilled peanuts, greasy pots, toothpaste, open ends of bananas and avocado… I have created a “devise” to keep them from
foods I don’t want to refrigerate. There is water in the bottom bowl which
keeps the ants away from the top plate (here with the banana).
I am convinced that they also like the heat
of my computer, but I can swear to that.
I do know that as I am working on the computer, from time to time, a
small ant will be crawling on the middle of my computer screen. I don’t see it come from the edge; it just
appears in the middle. In the same way,
all of the sudden there will be one on my wrist or the middle of my arm. These ants just appear! I swear. I think they can teleport…
The ants certainly encourage me to do the
dishes immediately after I eat (or cook).
Who wants a sink full of tiny ants! They have been helping me learn how
well I wash dishes, too. If I am not
thorough enough, I will find the ants crawling all over what I thought was a
clean plate or pot in the drying rack. I
must have missed something they can find….
When I rewash the dish/pot, I can usually get it cleaner so the ants
don’t do follow-up cleaning.
It seems impossible to get rid of the ants,
so mostly I co-exist with them. They are
on tables, chairs, the bed, books…
Fortunately, there are only a couple “passing through” unless I forget
to (or incompletely) wipe up a spill. They
don’t bite or make noise, fortunately.
Did you ever wonder how ants find the
sugary foods or spots? I know it has to
do with pheromones that they leave as a trail, but can they smell the
foods? How can they get there en masse
so fast? How can they crawl up and
across walls? They must have a nest, but I don’t know where. (I am hoping it is somewhere outside.)
Well, I am sure I will continue to watch
and wonder about ants since they are ever present. The rainy season is soon coming to an
end. I wonder if I will see as many ants
in the dry season. Time will tell!
Focusing on the small wonders of God’s
kingdom has helped me in this time of worry about the situation in Bouar. Maybe we can learn to work together like ants