Last April
Pastor Djidere Nguembe Nestor was elected regional bishop for our area (the
Region). Although he began his work
this summer, his official installation was Sunday, September 20, 2015. An installation is a huge celebration as well
as the formal event during the Sunday liturgy.
(On a personal level, this event was significant since I have known
Bishop Nestor since I came to live in Garoua Boulai a couple of years ago and
he was Director of the Bible School.) Here’s
a picture of me in the new dress I bought for the two celebrations described
As you
might imagine, lots of planning and work goes into organizing such a fete
(celebration). Relatives and supporters
came from all over. The national bishop
was here to do the installing.
One of the
first big questions was where to hold the liturgy. With a couple of thousand people expected,
would they fit in the church? The areas
outside the church and by the Bible School were certainly large enough and also
considered, but this is the end of the rainy season when the rains are frequent
and often intense. In the end, the
church was filled with chairs – fancy and plastic – with the benches set up
outside the door under tents. In the end
over 1,400 people attended! Holding the
service inside the church was a good choice as heavy rains came part way
through the service. Rain came sideways
at times because of the wind and mist even those of us inside and not too close
to the windows. I am sure those outside
got wet, but at least it wasn’t everyone and the service could continue.
The liturgy
was standard with the addition of the installation. The national bishop installed Bishop Nestor;
then the regional bishop installed his assistant. That part was much like I imagine it would be
in the USA although in French, of course.
The outgoing bishop preached the sermon.
Then, time was added into the service for people to bring gifts to the
new bishop and his assistant. These
people also greeted the newly installed officials. (That took a significant amount of
time!) The service ended with various
people making remarks. (I don’t think we
do that in the US, but I’m not sure… I’m
not usually present at bishops’ installations!)
The whole service lasted about three hours.
Dr. Solofo and Bishop Nestor |
Lydie, Bishop's wife |
Assistant Bishop and his wife |
celebration actually started the night before the liturgy. People from out of town, of course, arrived
the day before. I don’t know where they
were all housed, but know that the guest houses were full and I am sure members
of the congregation hosted people. Many
people gathered at the bishop’s house – across the street from me. Music and singing started at about 7
p.m. They used the sound system – turned
up very loud; it was at a comfortable listening level for me in my living
room! The celebration continued into the
night. At about 2:30 a.m. the rain
started and the amplification ended. I
thought everyone would turn in for some sleep, but about 10 minutes later the a
cappella singing started; fortunately for me, it wasn’t nearly as loud. Celebrate!
(Yes, I got intermittent sleep – and it was quiet when I woke up at 6
imagine feeding all the guests after the liturgy. Wow.
Women cooked over outdoor wood fires for hours and created a huge
spread. Invited guests, mostly from out
of town, but including people
like me, ate at the EELC Social Center. We could choose from lots of options: beef, fish, chicken, boa constrictor, monkey,
plantains, manioc, yams, pasta salad, tomato salad… They had two buffet tables set up in two
different rooms. (One with china plates
and one with plastic disposables – imagine all the clean-up required,
too!) Local guests were invited to the
bishop’s house for sandwiches. (That is what was announced; I didn’t see what
they served.) A huge thank you to all
the women who worked hard to feed the multitude.
participants left Sunday afternoon although some stayed until Monday. We are still settling back into routines
after all the excitement.
Fete des Moutons
September 24 was Eid al-Adha, Arabic meaning Festival of Sacrifice. This Muslim holiday
commemorates when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son – and at the last
minute God came to him and said not to kill him as the sacrifice was already
accepted. Tradition says that the food
is to be divided in thirds for family, relatives/friends/neighbors, and the
poor/needy. Here in Cameroon, it is
often called the festival of the sheep because many people share this meat for
their celebration. In GB there is a
religious celebration outside of town and lots of celebrations with family and
friends. This holiday also marks the end
of the traditional time to make a hajj – a trip to Mecca and Medina which is
required of all Muslims who are able.
The “Fete des Moutons” is a national holiday in Cameroon so most stores,
schools, and government offices are closed.
This year, for the first time, I was invited to share a meal with some
Muslim friends. Sani invited me and
arranged for his friend to pick me up in his car. (He doesn’t live too far away; the house is
at the other end of town.) Food was
ready as I arrived about 3:30 p.m. We
had mutton, goat, pasta with plantains, salad, tea, Coke, and water. They served me first on three heaping
plates. Then they dumped the other food
onto a large tray from which they ate. I
appreciated the acknowledgement of my cultural norms, but assured them I could
eat from the tray with them, as is their tradition. (Plus, they had given me enough food for at
least three people – by putting it back into the common tray, I could eat my
fill and not feel obliged to try to eat more than my share!)
During the meal, we chatted – often with me answering questions about the
USA and our culture. After we ate, we
moved to the TV room and watched the news.
Did you hear about the tragedy in Mina, near Mecca? There was a stampede crushing many people –
over 700 dead and 800 more wounded.
People from all over the world died, including seven Cameroonians. I am told that no one from Garoua Boulai who
went was involved. Saudi Arabia has the
huge task of preparing for 2-3 million visitors and is trying to plan for up to
9 million in future years. What a very
sad occurrence this year. My heart goes
out to the affected families and friends.
You might wonder why I participated at all in this festival; I am a
Christian after all. I believe that our
best chance for lasting peace in this world begins at the local level. We must all be willing to listen to and
interact with our neighbors, especially those who are different from us. We must know them and see them as fellow
human beings who share the same feelings, problems, hopes, and joys. I don’t expect to convert or be converted in
the conversations I have with my Muslim friends in Garoua Boulai, but I do hope
to promote understanding, peace, and a strong willingness to work
together. (Interesting note: when
talking to some of these Muslim friends about the continuing road insecurity in
CAR, two of them told me that they would come and get me if ever I were taken
hostage! OK... Of course, I am never going to be in a place
where hostage-taking is remotely possible, but isn’t it a sign of friendship
that these “strangers” or “others” would be willing to put themselves at risk
for me??) Many thanks to Sani and his
family for a delightful afternoon and the offer of friendship.