Yesterday was Good Friday; the day we remember Jesus’ death
on the cross.
Crucifixion was a horrible
way to die – to hang on a cross, usually for days, with nails holding the the
limbs in place, and death coming most often by suffocation as the arms can no
longer hold the body up so that the lungs can function.
The news is again full of death recently –
horrible death from terrorists bombs and from uncounted shootings.
How is all of this related to joy?
Christians know.
Jesus died on the cross after three hours and then rose from the dead on
the third This is joy. To know that Jesus took on this horrendous
death so that we could be saved.
There is also joy in art.
This picture from the internet shows Salvador Dali’s rendering of the
crucifixion. For me this provides joy in
the sadness.

Joy comes in lots of other ways, too, in Garoua Boulai.
We can get most basic foods here in the
market for which I am grateful.
Some things,
though, are rarely, if ever, here.
found chamomile tea in the Total gas station store the other day!
A couple of store have also had corn flakes recently – a nice change of
pace food.
I found chocolate in the
store, too, so I can have some for Easter – along with my hard boiled eggs
(always available).
The chocolate is
from France and Oman, not Cameroon which produces a lot of the product, but
chocolate is a US tradition for the holiday, so I bought some.
I didn’t dye the eggs, mostly from laziness,
but also because brown eggs don’t show the color as well.
Still, I will have connections to my home
traditions tomorrow.

My friend, Sani, has been joyful all week because his wife
had their first baby, a little girl he named Soumayyatou-Smith.
Mother and baby are both healthy.
Her they are 1 ½ days after birth.

I am also joyful to see the rains come back with the
accompanying green.
There are even a
couple more amaryllis flowers under my
heavily-laden mango tree out back. My mangos are not yet ripe, but I can find
some in the market ready to eat.

It was a joy to meet Dr. Max, the German ear, nose and
throat doctor who works at the Lutheran hospital in N’gaound
He periodically goes to other hospitals to
provide care that is not available in their towns.
He stayed with me because UNHCR workers had filled
the other guest houses.
What a pleasure
to get to
This picture is at a local restaurant with
the doctors and other notables from the hospital in GB.
(I got invited along for the ride – and
enjoyed catching up with some people I hadn’t seen for a while – even if we
live in the same town and concession…
know him and to chat about a whole range of topics!

May your Easter be full of joy – even if it comes in small
ways amid hardships.
It is there if we
look for it.
And, in a time of much
violence and negativity it is important to keep our eyes open for whatever
brings us hope and joy.
P.S. Anyone know what
this bug is? He came to visit the other
day, but I put him back outside…