December 19 and 20 the director,
assistant, man who works with parent organizations, and I set off to
visit more schools to the south of Baboua. The roads ranged from bad
to tolerable to horrible. Many places the road was better suited to
motorcycles (which use it more often) or foot traffic. The tall
grass leaned into the road and the bushes encroach on it making it
impossible to drive without having the plants (now pretty dry)
scraping the sides of the truck. In places, the plants also grow in
the middle of the road so they scrap the underside of the vehicle,
too. Other places, I had to drive with some wheels on the road and
others in the brush. Since it is the dry season, we didn’t have to
worry about mud, but some places the road was rutted from previous
rain. There are also places with rocks in the road that I had to go
around or over. Yes, I drove the whole distance – about 360 km.
(225 m.)!
Did you notice
that I am back to talking about the roads again?!? I guess when they
are this bad, it’s not surprising. I figure the Day 1 we averaged
about 25 km (16 m) per hour. I thought that was slow, but Day 2 it
was only about 15-20 km. (10-13 m) per hour. The good news was that
we passed very few cars or trucks and a motorcycle only about every
10 minutes or so. As a result, not too much dust – except what we
kicked up ourselves. Twice, though, we had to creep along behind a
herd of cattle for a short distance – until they could find a place
to move off the road. Once again, I couldn’t take pictures as I was
driving, but I snapped one of a young steer in a village. Image this
at least double in size and with 20 or so of its companions and
you’ll have an idea of what we followed. (Adult cattle have very
long horns, by the way…)
We stayed overnight in a village called
Lamy Pong – where there is a brick building for the school. The
traditional chief of the area invited us to sit in his compound while
we waited for some women to prepare food for us. The compound is an
area surrounded by a fence (part woven grasses and part
wood/corrugated tin) that encloses two buildings. Women cooked
outside (but inside the compound) over wood fires. There was a place
to bathe and they heated water for us to use. It was good to see
more of Central African homes. It is true that the chief is richer
than many people, but it was not like being at my house in Baboua.
People were very welcoming. It was
obvious, though, that I was treated differently as a white person.
They brought me bottled water. They sent someone to ask if I eat
African food. I said yes. They asked, “Even manioc?” I said
yes, I would eat whatever they prepared and be very appreciative.
Still, when the food came, they brought manioc (the ball made from
the roots), another ball made from corn, and rice. I was the only
one of our group who ate rice. They also prepared two different
bowls of meat in two sauces. I enjoyed the meal even though it was
served about 9 p.m. and I could have just gone to bed without eating
at that point. Traveling is tiring, esp. driving on those bad roads…
As we waited, the chief put on the
generator and the television. If you had no electricity during the
day and could afford a generator, what would you power? I think
lights would be high on my list (along with my computer, and
Internet…) In this village, TV made the top of the list. There
were no electric lights. I find it interesting to see the difference
in priorities. We watched mostly news – in Sango, French, Arabic,
and a little English – and a bit of music.
The latrine I used was what is often
called a Turkish toilet. Sometimes they are made from metal, but
this one was concrete. Basically, it is a hole in the ground with a
place to put your feet. The better ones have a cover for the hole.
This one was very clean and surrounded by walls of corrugated tin.
I am very glad to have gone on the
trips, despite the roads! As we start the new calendar year, there
will be a new director and assistant for the Village School Program.
(The man who works with parents will continue his work.) We will
have to spend a lot of time considering the needs of the schools and
the program so that we can effectively plan – and to help us all
better understand the program as it is now. I don’t know how much
I will be traveling to schools – that is yet to be decided – but
I am very glad to have gone to the 17 I saw. I have a much better
understanding of the program, in general, the strengths, and the
needs. All of this will help me work with Central Africans to
further the work.
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