(Thanks to Amy Hansen and Max Buchholz for sharing the pictures they took during the youth gathering last week – some of which appeared in the last blog and some in this one.)
We talk about being flexible, but what does
that mean? And, how easy is it to live
with a frequent need to be flexible?
I thought I’d give you some recent examples. As you know from the last blog, I usually
live by myself in the guest house in Garoua Boulai with the twin house next
door empty. For four days last week
there were 11 of us! We didn’t all share
one bathroom (there were 2), but we ate meals at my house and had many of our
meetings there. That calls for
adjustment and flexibility!
Monday I drove to Yaoundé so that the three
US visitors could catch a flight home.
At first I planned to return the next day so I could attend a Church
Workers’ retreat that started Wed. That
plan didn’t work out, so I decided to stay a day in Yaoundé to be able to meet
with Langdjis (regional representatives).
So the plan was to leave Wed.
Then, we decided that there was too much to talk about so I would leave
Thurs. Then we decided that since there was some maintenance work that
needed to be done on the car and the mechanic could work on it Thurs., I would
wait another day. Then Anne Langdji’s plans changed (see her flexibility example below),
so I am now returning to GB with Drs. Solofo and Joely (who live in GB and are
also currently in Yaoundé) on Saturday.
My overnight trip turned into 6 days!
I thought to bring a week’s worth of malaria and other medicines and I
brought some spare cash, in case.
Clothes have been limited, but who will notice?!?
Because I have been here longer, I was able
to go to the Bible Society Store in town to buy some Gbaya Bibles, got a couple
of chargers for computers without them, bought a few non-essential items at the
grocery store, met with some new people, and worked on a variety of projects –
including the last blog entry and this one!
I have also had the pleasure spending more time with Anne, Willie, their
son Micah, and the others of their household.
Another area that is demanding flexibility
are meetings scheduled for the end of November.
Five representatives from South Dakota are coming for various activities
in N’gaoundéré, Garoua Boulai, and other area towns. They will also attend the rededication of the
hospital in GB (after renovations – see an early blog entry) to be held on Nov.
29. Others from the Cameroonian church
will also attend the ceremony. At the
same time, the CAR partners (from the US and Europe and a dozen church
officials) are coming for their yearly consultation – to be held in GB because of
the insecurity in CAR. Lots of
people! Full guest houses, social
center, meeting rooms, etc.!
Anne Langdji and Rev. Andrea Walker (who
arrives from the US Nov. 16) were planning to take the train to
N’gaoundéré. Then, Anne decided to take
the train part way and get someone to meet them so they could visit a couple
towns on the way. Then, she decided to drive (hence my leaving the car in Yaoundé),
leaving Nov. 22. Then, she found out about meetings she needs to attend in
N’gaoundéré Nov. 21-23. The final
decision (as of today, of course), is that Anne and Andrea will drive to GB
Nov. 20 and on to N’gaoundéré Nov. 21.
Cars and trucks also share the road with
motorcycles (many with drivers that are crazy – or at least non-licensed and
ignorant of rules of the road). Many of these are loaded to the gills (do
motorcycles have gills???) with people and merchandise. Even walkers have to be flexible – like the
time I was walking against traffic (as is always recommended) and a motorcycle
came up behind me going the wrong way!
(And, the driver acted like I was in the wrong because I was in his way…)
We also have to be flexible about when we
use the internet and how we access it.
For 4 days before coming to Yaoundé my Camtel internet connection was
down. (I sure hope it is fixed when I
get back or I will be going back to the slower Orange Flash connection.) Here in Yaoundé Langdjis have a fast
connection, but it was down for 24 hours Wed.
It often goes out for short periods, but this was longer than usual. Just after Anne paid for time on her Orange
Flash connection, the regular internet came back on. (I am actually writing this blog entry today
because I can’t be sure my internet will be working when I get to GB. Better to do it while this connection is
One final example: before we attended church last Sunday (with
the youth), I checked with the pastor about the lessons we would read in
English. He said they would be as noted
in the official church list. When we got
to the church, different lessons were posted (on the board behind the pastor in
the picture) for the Old and New Testament lessons although the Gospel lesson was
the same. And, although he had said he
would read the Psalm in English, that day he asked that one of us do it. We can prepare, but…
I think I am being flexible, but can one
judge about oneself? What challenges in
your life have demanded extra flexibility lately?
its very good news, nice info