So, it's Ground Hog Day! Did the Punxatauny Phil see his shadow? How much more winter will there be in the US? Obviously, my mind has turned to mundane things today.
I have found that I need wash my feet at
the end of the day before I got to bed.
They are filthy, true and need to be cleaned, but feet-washing is
relaxing and calming, especially when I then rub in some cream (to counteract
the dryness.)
In Bible times, it was common to wash a
traveler’s feet when s/he arrived at a destination. Imagine how dusty and dirty they would have
been after walking long distances on unpaved roads. Imagine, too, how welcome and relaxing it
would be. But who did the washing? Servants, no doubt, or a lowly person in the
household. When Jesus washed the disciples’
feet, they protested. He insisted to
indicate that our role as Christians is to serve others, not demand to be
served by them. I can’t help but think
of this scene as I regularly wash my feet.
I have a new appreciation for feet washing
and what it symbolizes! (In the rainy
season, there isn’t the dust, but there sure is a lot of mud. Feet still need to be washed!)
This is the first snake I have seen even
though I know they are around. This is
the (very good) reason that people keep the area around their houses clear of
grass – snakes are less likely to be there and then get into the house! High grass during the rainy season gives them
more places to hide, but they are obviously around during the dry season, too.
All of the first shipment of humanitarian
aid (rice and oil) has arrived in Bouar.
Getting the 2 truckloads across the border took time, but it’s now
done. Patrick and Antoine have now been
working to get it distributed. A drop in
the bucket, but a very necessary drop.
Violence continues in the country although
Baboua is calm again. Bouar is on one of
the roads that heads north toward Tchad so it has had more looting problems as
ex-Seleka have moved through the area.
Bangui and other towns in that area (and along that main route north)
continue to be plagued with many difficulties.
Please continue to pray for peace.
March 9 has been selected as a Sunday when all churches (and mosques)
are asked to pray for the Central African Republic – its displaced people,
those in fear in villages, the newly formed government, and the rebels and
perpetrators of violence and looting.
Add your voices, please.
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