I continue to have wonderful experiences as
I travel to talk about my work with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in CAR and
answer questions about the situation there.
(I can note that I am ready to be in one spot for longer than a couple
of days, but that goes with the territory after 5 weeks of travel and

In the past week, I visited Louisiana and
Brenham and Katy, Texas. Today I go to
Lake Jackson; after liturgy there tomorrow I will be flying back to PA (from
Houston). On the road again… I can definitely say that my knowledge of
Texas and Louisiana’s geography is improving, but is still inadequate.

Charles Short picked me up at the airport
in New Orleans and drove me to his home north of Baton Rouge. I gave a temple talk, children’s sermon, and
presentation (at lunch) at his church, St. Paul’s, Baton Rouge. That Sunday afternoon he and I visited the
state capital building in Baton Rouge where I was reminded of some of the
state’s history, especially related to Huey Long who had the building build and
where he was shot (bullet hole still visible in the marble.) We also visited an old Episcopal church
(Grace) with its cemetery and other places around Feliciana Parishes (East and
West), including Cat Island which is now a Wildlife Management Area.
Baton Rouge and New Orleans are at the
mouth of the Mississippi River. Some
coal barges we saw remind me of those we seen on the rivers around
Pittsburgh. In fact, some of these, no
doubt, come from PA coal country – down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. We are all connected.
In the evening we had dinner with people
from St. Paul’s at P. J. Chang’s, one of a chain of Chinese restaurants. I had never heard of them, but will
definitely keep my eyes open to eat in another one if I have the chance.
Monday Chuck was again tour guide to show
me some of the French Quarter in New Orleans.
I got to sample beignets (French donuts – similar, but not the same as
the beignets in CAR/Cameroon). I can say
that New Orleans better fits my old image of cities. It is built an area with limited space and
started long ago. Streets are narrower
(than Houston and Fargo, for example) and many buildings are taller. It is true that there is a lot of Spanish
(and some French) influence in the buildings and there are horse-drawn
carriages in the Quarter which exist in NYC and Philadelphia, but not many
other of the cities in eastern US.
We also met with Rev. Bonnie Parker and Kim
at Gethsemane Lutheran in Chalemette (just outside of New Orleans) This is an area that has been hard hit by
flooding (from hurricanes) on several occasions. Rev. Ken Shuman from Church of
the Galilean of La Place, LA was also there.
Turns out he had served as pastor in Sharpsburg (near Pittsburgh, PA)
and had his church flooded there after a hurricane only to arrive in LA and
have a repeat performance (by the effects of a different hurricane). Small world.

Back in Texas I visited Rev. Alan Kethan in
Brenham. He currently serves St. Peter’s
and First Lutheran churches (but is soon moving to Columbus, TX). I also spoke at St. Paul’s and to the deanery
conference) meeting. (This picture is from St. Paul’s.) Pastor Alan took me to see some of the Brenham area, including the
Antique Rose Emporium. Beautify roses
and flowers cultivated) from old plants (some going back to the 1800s) set on
gorgeous grounds.
I continue to be warmly received everywhere
as I eat my way through visits!
Hospitality naturally includes delicious food and lots of it. I may have to roll back to the plane,
though. Good thing they don’t weigh me
before and after or I would be charged for the extra weight I am sure! Everyone
tells me that I have also been fortunate since temperatures are running below
normal and are only in the high 80s in the afternoons. Mornings and evenings have been pleasant to
be outside.
Yesterday was the Fourth, Independence
Day. Mine was calm and restful – just
what I wanted. I spent it with the Drees
family; we had grilled hamburgers and turkey burgers and saw some
fireworks. All was well!
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend
and had a great Fourth of July celebration.
It has been an immense pleasure and honor to have you with us, Susan. You know that I have loved your blog articles, and now will read them with greater care and respect for the work you do to bring about God's kingdom here on earth. Blessings and peace to you.