Several days ago, a Central African friend
studying in Cameroon came to visit me.
He has come to visit before, of course, but this time, he brought me a
present – a live rooster! Yep. Not what I would have gotten in
I know that those of you who live in the
country or on/near a farm, will laugh at me, but I am city/suburbs raised. Sure I’ve seen chickens and roosters – even
up close. Now, especially, I see chickens
all the time as they wander around the station where I live looking for
I am not ready to kill and pluck my own
chicken. I will freely admit that these
are skills I don’t want to learn. I
could, I suppose, if I had to, but…
While he was visiting, the rooster made
little noise – certainly not crowing in the morning. He ate grains of rice, drank and then spilled
water, and defecated. Repeat various
times. He even managed to get on top the
microwave to roost by the end of his “visit” with me.
It is appropriate that the neighbor’s
rooster is crowing outside my door as I write!
Chicken and vegetables anyone?
I remember getting some chickens as gifts, too...Glad you enjoyed it!