Periodically, we in the "field" are visited by others from ELCA Global Missions. We were
pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Andrea Walker, Regional Program Director (based in
Chicago), Anne Langdji, Regional Representative based in Yaoundé, and Dana
Dutcher, the woman in charge of Synod-local church relations (sorry, Dana, I
don’t remember your official title!) who is also based in Chicago. They spent a couple of weeks in Cameroon, but
given the continuing (and sometimes worsening) insecurity in the Central
African Republic they could not even consider going there.
visitors visited Yaoundé, N’gaoundéré and Garoua Boulai with a couple of other
places in between. I was with them in GB
and Nandangue. Lots of visits and
We went to
visit the Bible School Friday afternoon.
All the students and professors welcomed us with a couple of hymns in
Gbaya. This included the
catechists-to-be, their spouses, the Director and both other teachers of the
student-catechists as well as their wives who teach the spouses. We had formal introductions and some
conversation. Here’s a picture of the
visitors, teachers, and students of the Bible School. The second is the teachers and visitors.
morning, we went to the palm oil plantation that the Bible School has started to
help fund the institution. The palm
plants won’t produce oil until Year 4.
(They are now starting Year 3.)
In addition, though, they plant some food crops to help feed the
students (and teachers) and to sell.
Here are some palm plants that will replace some that didn’t make it the
first two years and a cricket we saw in the field. These are edible, although a little bitter
and not the preferred cricket for eating!
It’s pretty though…
The team then
visited the hospital with Drs. Solofo and Joely Rakotoarivelo. I have been there (living next door!) so I
went to the market to get some veggies for lunch. They had a great time seeing changes and
talking with people there.
First of
all, as is usual in Gbaya culture, we were met and invited into the house next
to the church (I am not sure if it is for the catechist, evangelist or
pastor). We were offered coffee or tea
(which I expected), but also scrambled eggs and bread! (We had had some at my house, too…) Church leaders were with those of us coming
from Garoua Boulai. What a warm welcome!
Before... |
During... |
After... |
It is also
typical in October to have lots of rain storms.
It is one of the signs of the approaching dry season. Still, in GB we have been having heavy rains
in the afternoon, night and early mornings.
This Sunday, the heavy rains came about 11 a.m. in the middle of our
service. The church is beautiful with a
corrugated tin roof that ELCA congregations from South Dakota helped fund, but
they don’t yet have windows. There are
openings, but not shutter type windows.
This is an important detail when strong rains with high winds
begin. Suddenly the choir on the right
of the altar brought a bench and sat on the other side (sharing some benches
and using the one they brought). Then,
the faithful sitting on the right pews/benches moved to the middle. The rain was coming sideways into the
building. Soon after that, the people in
the middle all moved to the left! Now
people were in the last section and the aisle.
Even those of us upfront on the left could feel the mists of rain! In addition, rain on a tin roof is very
loud. It was impossible for us to hear
in our corner. I think some people could
hear; I only know that the liturgist was speaking Gbaya.
After about
20 minutes, the rains abated; now falling straight down at a much slower
rate. We could hear again. The children were sent back to the right
(wet) benches to clear the aisles and worship continued with communion. After the service we visitors were given
gifts of cloth.
After the
service as we left the sanctuary, there was a lake outside where there had only
been dirt upon our arrival. We picked our way back to the house where we were
given lunch. Fish, beef, rice,
manioc… prepared by different women of
the church. Andrea,
Anne, and Dana left
for Yaoundé with at least seven and a half hours to drive (somewhat later than
anticipated, but they made it safely).
The mayor left for GB with her children.
The regional bishop and I stayed a bit longer to let the people know
that their hospitality was welcome and to chat.
overall, we had a great visit. All is well that ends well.
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