Since the news this week has been pretty much the same as last week and I am still in N’gaoundéré, Cameroon, I asked people what they might like me to write about this week. I got two requests: education for girls from their perspective and R and R. I need to talk to some girls and young to talk intelligently on the former so that topic will have to wait for another day. (By the way, I am always open to suggestions for topics. What would you like to know more about?)
So rest and relaxation. Take a break from deeper, thought-provoking
themes and lessons about culture here and relax with me! Who would have guessed that I had so much to
say on the topic!
I have always been an avid reader. I can’t imagine what my life would be like
without books and reading. I like to be
able to read to relax – to escape, if you will, into the world of a book. At the same time, I prefer books that will
also teach me something I didn’t know. I
have learned a lot that way! For
example, I have recently read a couple of books by Sarah Andrews. The main character in each is Em Hansen, a
forensic geologist! Did you know there
was such a thing? I didn’t either. So, although the books are mysteries, I also
learned a lot about gold mining (An Eye
for Gold) and dust picked up by in Africa that travels to Florida,
sometimes carrying pathogens (Killer Dust). In the process, I am also learning more about
I am also reading What’s Wrong with the World? by G. K. Chesterton. I had heard his name before but never read
any of his 80 or so books. He wrote the
Father Brown series, but was also a very important philosopher and writer at
the turn of the 20th century.
I find that I don’t understand all the references to people and places
(he is British), but his work is thought provoking.
I am able to read as much as I’d like and
the variety of genres because I got a Kindle just before I came. I tend to borrow e-books from the library – I
have always been a huge fan of libraries! – or to get free ones from I do buy some titles, but
the free ones have me exploring some older books that I had never considered
reading before.
In addition to reading, I also watch movies
sometimes on my computer. The bandwidth
of our internet connections is not wide enough to provide streaming – I can’t
even watch short You-Tube videos easily – but others here have things I can
borrow. I got Bones, Season 7 for
Christmas, borrowed NCIS, Season 8 from a friend, and I just
borrowed My Cousin Vinny from another
friend. I have seen that before, but
love the humor of it!
Another favorite pastime of mine is
walking. I like to go places on foot to
see the neighborhoods, shops, people, and to learn more about where I am – ways
roads connect, but also clues to culture here.
Walking also helps me process thoughts and get exercise.
I also relax with friends. Recently, that has been other missionaries in
N’gaoundéré, but I also talk with Cameroonians I have met. We went to dinner at the Coffee Shop last
evening. It is a restaurant, not really
what we know as a coffee shop, but the food is great and we have gotten to know
the owners. Jackie and I walked to get
there, so we stopped to visit various people she knows along the way. I enjoy talking to people – especially when I
can do it in their language, but I have felt limited here. Yes, I can speak French with them, but many
here speak Fulfuldé and I can’t get beyond very simple greetings. Others in town speak Gbaya, but my level is
not yet to where I can have a conversation – I can do simple greetings,
though. If I were in Central Africa, I
could be speaking in Sango. I can carry
on a conversation in that language, but need to deepen my knowledge. Oh, well, that will have to wait since there
are few Sango speakers in N’gaoundéré.
I asked one Cameroonian what he did to
relax. He said that after a long day,
especially if it has been stressful, he likes to lie flat on the floor and
relax, thinking of nothing. No music, no
distractions, just time to unwind and calm his mind.
I asked him whether people here listen to
music much. He said that the young like
to listen to foreign music, especially rap from the US. They often listen at home although “boites”
exist. Literally, that means box, but
means a night club or place one goes to listen to music and dance. There are a few like what we might see in the
states, but it also might be an open-air bar with a live group or disk jockey.
Children, often boys, but now always, make
“cars” or “trucks” from bits of whatever they can find. I have not been able to get good pictures but
here’s a poor one! If you want to see
more, check out Karen Lynn William’s picture book Galimoto. I also see lots of
boys rolling a bike (or other) tire down the street with a stick.
I am convinced that children often have a
great time just calling out to white people to see if they will answer! Or, following
them to see what they will do. We are,
after all, strangers in their midst.
Calling “Munju” (Sango) or “Nasara” (Fulfulbé and Gbaya) is fun if they
can get the person to greet them or shake their hand. Even after I say hello, some will continue to
call out the word to see if they can get me to greet them multiple times.
Many Cameroonians and Central Africans
listen to the radio (often music). Most
cell phones have the capability to play radio stations. I listen to a short-wave radio, but usually
to hear news, so that isn’t often relaxing!
Africans who can afford it own a
television. I know they watch news, but
other programs are shown too. One can
find channels in French, English, Arabic, Chinese, local languages, and a
variety of others, especially with a satellite dish. I have to say that I have seen very little
television since I am here – of course, I didn’t watch much television in
Pittsburgh before I came either. For a long
time I have preferred DVDs – from the library, Netflix, primarily!
Playing soccer on the beach at dusk |
Those Africans (and missionaries) who can
afford it may also go to the beach such as we did in Limbé. Most people there were Cameroonians enjoying
a day at the beach. The Atlantic Ocean
is far from where we currently are, though, so most who go there are from
closer areas such as Yaoundé or Douala.
There are other tourist destinations such as primate sanctuaries,
botanical gardens, etc. Foreigners go,
but, nowadays, many Cameroonians do, too.
There are fewer of these kinds of place in CAR and fewer people with
disposable income that can visit them.
Well, this focuses mostly on what I do to
relax – I guess I could go out and get more information from the people to see
what they do – but, even though that would be interesting to me, it might not
be relaxing!
Wow. I'm glad you shared some books you're reading and enjoying because I was able to get a Barnes and Nobles gift card with my credit card points so I'll look for those by Sarah Andrews. Maybe I'll find the picture book Galimoto too. I commend the man who lies down on the floor and does nothing! I'll have to try that for some days after doing errands in the car like recycling, grocery shopping, and dropping off Abra at the Library or Dakota and Kaeling off at a friend's house. I think I would like the botanical gardens if I were there and try to make it to the ocean if possible. Thanks for sharing your R and R. Tracy
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Your request inspired the article - now it can inspire you!!