Wow! I almost felt like I was in Baboua, CAR yesterday! Seven people I have worked with there was all
in Garoua Boulai, Cameroon – and all at once for part of the time! Seeing and working with these people makes it
so much easier to do the work I was sent to do.
(I was so happy to see people and busy working with them that I didn’t
even think about pulling out my camera. The
pictures here are, therefore, not of people.)
Later, the Mayor of Baboua came. He stops by when he has business in Garoua
Boulai. I appreciate his friendship and
the news he brings. Yesterday he came,
in part, to be able to visit with Jackie, another friend of his. The five of us had lunch together. Fortunately, I had made dinner for Jackie and
me on Sunday and had ended up with way too much. We ate it all Monday! It is a courtesy to provide food – in any
culture, but especially when it there are few restaurants in town. It is also my pleasure.
As we were finishing lunch, David Gbaberi, a
Cameroonian, stopped by. He had been working on a small problem with the
pick-up Jackie brought. It turns out he
is related to the mayor and Mathias. Small
world. He sat and joined our
conversation for a bit.
Then, as we were talking, Patrick Kelembo,
the administration for the EEL-RCA, arrived with his wife and the church’s
chauffer. I had not seen Patrick for
quite some time, so I was pleased with the visit and news from Bouar.
Also yesterday, I then had visits from
other people from Garoua Boulai. Rev.
Nestor NGuembe, Director of the Bible School in Garoua Boulai stopped by to say
hello to Jackie and greeted the others who were here. He didn’t stay long since we were in
meetings. In the afternoon, I had my
regular Gbaya lesson with Robert Ngnako for 1 ¾ hours (cutting it short because
of all the other work and visitor…).
Soon after he left, Crispin Didier Nzamiyo stopped by. We had arranged his visit before I knew I
would have lots of other company! He is
the Financial Officer for EMIPA, a program currently funded by the European
Union, that works to provide basic services to villages – a permanent school,
wells for clean water, health clinic, and/or other needs identified by the villagers. They also emphasize teaching nonviolence to
parents and families. He wanted to
explain the program to me so that we might consider working together at some
point in the future. It was very
interesting to hear what they are doing.
Of course, I have no idea now what might be possible in the future, but
who knows?
Pretty flowers outside the house |
After all those visits and related work, I
was fortunate that Jackie prepared dinner for us! We relaxed in the evening and now I am up and
back to “regular” work – email, phone calls, studying Gbaya, and writing a blog
entry. Yesterday was a very satisfying
day for many reasons. I hope you can say
the same about your day today.
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