In addition to improving many aspects of
the people’s lives, this project is designed to promote reconciliation and
peace. Villagers will work in teams as
they improve their communities. (Yes,
where possible, teams will include Christians and Muslims and/or others who
have been alienated by the crisis over the last few years.) AVPE (French initials for the Food Security
and Environmental Protection project of EEL-RCA) has been working in villages
around Bohong for years. They have been
training villagers to work in teams to develop projects that provide income
while also better protecting the environment.
What better place to work and extend the teamwork idea?
As a result of this project, a large
handful EEL-RCA personnel, in addition to their regular project work, have
agreed to help start and then supervise this humanitarian aid project. Catherine Naabeau, Director of EEL-RCA’s
Health Projects, will supervise the vaccination of children and other basic
health services. Victor Ndolade,
engineer and coordinator of PASE, will lead the repair and development of clean
water sources. Paul Daina, Director of
the AVPE project, will help organize and train village work teams. Mathias Votoko, Community Developer for the
Village School Program, will help organize and supervise the teams building
houses. Meanwhile, EEL-RCA central administrators
(President Andre Goliké, Administrator Patrick Kelembho, Assistant Adminstrator
Antoine Mbarbet, and Anicet, church chauffer) will also be key as this project
moves forward. Here in Garoua Boulai,
Station Manager David Gbabiri is also helping as am I. In Yaoundé, Willie Landgji, ELCA Regional
Representative, has taken point in drafting the plan, communicating with LDR
and coordinating the project overall. Even
more important will be the large number of villagers who will work together to
restart their lives.
And, on a practical level, where does one
go to buy 80 shovels?? Where would you
go? Do you think the Lowes’ of Home
Depot in your town would have enough? Would
they have to be ordered? How would you
physically get the supplies from the store to the villages where they will be
used? Logistic. Planning.
Teamwork of another kind.
Although we checked with stores in Garoua Boulai, no one could provide everything needed. Instead of asking merchants here to order in supplies, it was decided that David would drive to Yaoundé (8 hours away) where he and Willie would buy these basic supplies. The hardest to bring back were the 11 containers. (The 10 are for 1,000 liters are chest-high. They aren’t heavy, but they take up a lot of space. The other is 2,500 liters – taller than I am!) It is interesting to me that shovels and other tools come in pieces – the shovel heads and handles are assembled once supplies arrive at their destination. It does make transport of materials a bit easier…
Yesterday, Antoine, Mathias, and Anicet
came from CAR to get supplies. They left
with two full pick-up trucks and will be back later to get more of the
containers. After they deliver these
supplies, of course, and get 43 groups in 5 villages between Bouar and Bohong started
on the construction of their homes.
Watch this blog in the future for pictures
and more details of the work. (You could
also consider supporting Lutheran Disaster Response and/or the ELCA’s Global
Missions!) Those who were here yesterday
have promised to bring pictures of the workin progress next time they
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