Earlier this month I was feeling frustrated
because I didn't have enough work to do.
Some people I work with were getting a slow start after the new
year. Some Central Africans have become
involved in the Humanitarian Aid project I wrote about last time and have had
little time to come to GB to work with me as they get it off the ground. The Village School Program has trained some
new teachers and personnel have busy daily for a couple of months and couldn’t
come to GB. (More on that when I have
some pictures and a more complete report on the work, but it is exciting,
right? 8 people finished the training, 2
of them women.)
I talked to Anne and Willie Langdji by
email and on the phone, but Anne said, “Come to Yaoundé where we can talk face
to face.” I came last Wednesday and head
back to GB today. It was a wonderful
idea to come. We have fleshed out next
steps (for many projects). We have
worked on planning a training session related to the new (again) forms the ELCA
is using for Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PME). We spent a long time working together in ways
we could not have easily done on the phone or online. I've got lots to do again and feel productive

While in the capital, I did some shopping,
got some printing done, visited with people, etc. Several Central Africans studying or working
in Yaoundé came for lunch yesterday. The
former director of the Bible School in GB who is now a parish priest in Yaoundé
stopped by this morning for some coffee.
A couple of people from the USA came Sat. night and left this morning
for N’gaoundéré. And, of course, I
visited with the Langdjis. Micah is of
the age that he loves to chase and be chased.
He also has a great new toy helicopter that he can fly.
I didn't take many pictures because the
stuff I did wasn’t new and I didn’t always have my camera with me. I must be at home here now!
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