about 1/3 of the assembly |
Churchwide Assembly, you say? Synode Général? Didn’t I just write about one of those? Yes, indeed, I did, but this is a second. The Cameroonian Evangelical Lutheran Church just completed its Churchwide Assembly which it holds every two years. It was held in Bertoua, a large town about a three-hour drive from Garoua Boulai on the paved road. (I measure things from GB, but one could also say a five-hour drive from Yaoundé where Anne Langdji and others came from; or a six-hour drive from N’gaoundéré where Elie Sanda and Brian Palmer and others came from, or a four-hour drive from Meiganga where Elisabeth Johnson and others came from.)
The Cameroonian Lutheran Church is larger
than the one in the Central African Republic.
They have ten regions and many more churches (and pastors). Fortunately, the church in Bertoua is large
and could accommodate the delegates, pastors, partners, and invited guests. (I was one of the last.) National Bishop Ruben Ngozo and his assistant
were, of course, present, but the tradition here is that the delegates elect a committee
of president, a vice-president, and two recorders who run the assembly. They have a table upfront (just before the
altar). There were also various
organizing committees to provide food, lodging, health care (if needed),
etc. Herculean tasks which they carried
out well. (As you see the picture of the
front of the church, I wonder if you asking yourself, as I did, about when
Jesus was painted and who picked the image…)
The day before the assembly the national
church council met to take advantage of having all members present in the same
place. The schedule of the assembly then
included: meditations, committee work, reports to the delegates (reading
minutes from the last time, reports from the National Bishop, Treasurer, etc.),
greetings from the partners, training sessions (like the one I was asked to
teach on planning, monitoring, and evaluation – everything anyone needs to know
in one hour!), recommendations from the committees which were discussed and
voted on, and elections. Oh, and ordinations during the closing service on
The day is set up much as it was in Bouar,
CAR. Breakfast, meditation (with
different pastors taking the lead/preaching), work, break (with fruit and other
foods such as a drinkable porridge), work, lunch, work, dinner… Yep! Work
with food liberally interspersed. For
the break, as in CAR, Women for Christ brought the snack into the church –
usually on trays on their heads to present it as offering. Then it was disturbed. This picture shows a woman with oranges (cut
in quarters that are still attached to make them easier to eat). Notice the material of her dress; this is the
cloth prepared for Women for Christ.
Work of the assembly was in French (it was
mostly in Sango in CAR) and the sound system was ten times better than the one
in Bouar. Still, I found it hard to
always pay attention. I know the
Cameroonian church, but not as well as the Central African one. I didn’t always understand the background or
implications of what was discussed. It
may also have had something to do with the fact that the weather was hot and
humid and the church was full of hot bodies that made it close – despite the
fact that the windows were open and they had a number of functional ceiling
fans. (Of course, it was hot in Bouar,
too, but… You can see in some of the
pictures that in both cities glare from the sun through the windows makes
picture taking difficult!)
The current Secretary General, Hamidou Douldje,
was reelected for a second term. He
helps run the national church administration but I don’t know exactly what he
does as the Central African church doesn’t have this position. But, congratulations to him! (The election process, which is similar to
the one I explained in the earlier blog entry, ran until midnight
Saturday. Anne and two other partners
stayed, but the rest of us went back to the hotel about 6 p.m. I was pleased they could represent us all! By the way, this was the first time I have
stayed in a hotel in Cameroon or CAR!
Usually I stay in a guest house or with someone. The Hotel Christiana is a nice place with
many amenities.)
As the final, closing worship service began,
it was impressive to see all the pastors dressed in robes with red stoles possessing
in and then sitting near the front on both sides of the church. There were more than 1,425 people present
inside and outside around the church. They
had four stations for communion – one of which was outside.) During the liturgy, Regional Bishops from
four regions were introduced. These
regions had had regional assemblies and elected new bishops, so the out-going
and in-coming bishops came up front.
First, they all stood in a line.
Then, Bishop Ngozo asked the out-going bishop to stand behind the
newly-elected one. Symbolically, the
former bishop will be supporting the new one.
Six vicars (pastors who had completed their
studies and have now completed their internship) were ordained pastors. There are two others who are still completing
their internships in Yaoundé and will be ordained later. Here is a picture of the new pastors. Each read the commitment he (yes,
unfortunately from my perspective, none was a woman) was making and
signed. Each had about five
pastors/regional bishop help him put on the robe and stole.
The church was even more hot and humid than
it had been for the past days during the assembly – a lot more people, after
all! This closing service lasted close
to four and a half hours. But, what a
joyous occasion. Although lunch was provided
after the service, those with whom I travelled and I decided to skip that and
get on the road. They dropped me off in
Garoua Boulai about 5:40 p.m. which meant they traveled most of the additional
hour to arrive in Meiganga in the daylight.
I got back in time on Sunday, May 10 to
call Mom to wish her a happy Mothers’ Day.
It is not celebrated much in Cameroon, but is in CAR – and the US of
course. I send warm wishes to all
mothers and those who fulfill nurturing roles.
It was interesting to attend two Churchwide
Assemblies in three weeks, but I am very glad they only happen every two years!
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