Yesterday was Unity Day in Cameroon. This national holiday celebrates the time
when British and French-colonized areas were united into one Cameroon. In GB, the biggest part of the celebration is
the parade of educational institutions.
I have never been much for watching
parades. As most places I have been it’s hard to find a spot where you can see
well. And, here it involves standing in
the tropical sun and a lot of waiting since things never start at the announced
time. I heard that in Yaoundé there were
fireworks, but not in Garoua Boulai.
So, if you were here, how would you
celebrate this holiday? Here’s what I
did. I decided to take a day to
relax. Two Evangelical missionaries were
passing through and stayed with me as they tried to resolve car troubles. They left before 7 a.m. Yes, I was up since my internal alarm gets me
up between 5:30 and 6 every morning. A
little later, Regional Bishop Nestor stopped by. He is newly elected and had been in GB for a
seminar, but was heading back to Yaoundé after the parade. (He has not yet moved back and the official
installation has not yet happened, but will sometime soon.) After they all left, I went back to bed to
read for a while. Well, as you might
imagine, that turned into a nap!
Throughout the day I did read the mediocre
mystery set at an archaeological dig in the Yucatan, Mexico. I had expected to be more interested since I
have been to the Yucatan and am interested in archaeology, in general, and the
Maya, in particular. What a disappointment. I had figured out most of the mystery before
the book was half over. I did finish it,
though. And, interestingly, when someone
came to the door I called him señor! Later,
on the phone ½ of a French sentence came out in Spanish! Interesting, the book I was reading was in
English with only a few phrases of Spanish thrown in, but my brain switched!
I spent some time reading email and
cleaning out part of my inbox, but any answers that required much thought got
put off until today.
Do you notice the Pittsburgh Spring Hill
K-5 t-shirt that looks brand new? It
basically is. Comp Dog decided to stay
in Baboua when I evacuated so he rested there about 2 ½ years! I got him back mid-April. He took good care of himself and kept the
mice away from chewing his shirt. He
didn't, however, keep those mice away from other clothes that came back
holey! (So glad to have provided nesting
material while I was gone…)
I also watched “Chocolat” yesterday – DVD
borrowed from the Langdjis. I had seen
it when it first came out and enjoyed watching it again.
Although my holiday was very different from
most Cameroonians (and they would not understand my desire to spend it alone),
I had a great relaxing day. I’m ready to
jump back into making comments/suggestions on planning documents for programs
in CAR and Cameroon! (Well, mostly…)
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