The school year
in the Central African Republic started in October 2015. In January I finally got a copy of the report
about the end of the school year (July 2015) from the Village School
Program. Here are some encouraging
details. (Pictures are a couple of years
enrollment in October 2014
enrollment in June 2015 (% of those who started the year) *
2,550 (84%)
1,245 (97%)
3,795 (96%)
End of Year
Test Results - % of students who passed
Test Results
of entry into High School (6e) - % of students who passed
* Most of the
attrition can be attributed to problems of insecurity in the regions – a few
villages are more greatly affected than others.

The Community
Developer, Mathias Votoko, worked with all Associations of Parents of Students
(APE) to develop budgets, train them as to their duties, and encourage
maintenance of schools. Parent
contributions were up 24% over the previous year.
The Director,
Abel Service, along with David and Mathias, trained all the teachers during the
regular in-service time in September.
This year’s emphasis was on the program to teach citizenship and
peace-building (developed in Cameroon and also used by Catholic schools in the
western region of CAR). Soon after this
training, the APE were also trained.
Two permanent
building are almost completed. The
program had to select schools along the main, paved road so that materials
could be effectively delivered. Even so,
they had difficulties with getting supplies when the road was not safe. Also, the latrine that was build for one
school collapsed and parents had to make more bricks and redo the structure. The buildings should be in use soon. In addition, Cordaid (an NGO working in the
region) is building a second permanent building for the school in Baboua.
The Village
School Program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African
Republic continues to operate twenty (20) primary schools in villages where the
government has no public school. Despite
continuing insecurity and challenges, all 20 schools are operating. In fact, enrollment is up. Two people told me this story: parents of
students in one village with a public school have enrolled their children in
the VSP school in Bardé since the church’s school has a good reputation and has
been operating consistently even during the troubles of the last several

The need for education
and schools is still critical in the CAR.
I hope that the newly elected president (whoever that may be) will see
education and health care as priorities so that the country may finally
continue its development.
Other Updates:
· The second round of the presidential election will be
Sunday, February 14. The date was
delayed in order to be sure that ballots arrive in all towns.
· Elections for legislators were annulled since not all
towns got ballots in time for the first round.
The first round for these elections will also be February 14.
· My stolen passport, Cameroonian residency card and
driver’s license arrived at the US embassy in Bangui four months after being
taken from my house in Garoua Boulai, Cameroon!
(No the computer, camera, and phone did not make the complete trip with
the documents.) I have a new passport
and residency card, but the embassy will send the license to the US embassy in
Yaoundé so I can get it back.
· I have started planning for my home assignment visits
in the USA for the summer. If you didn’t
get a copy of the letter, let me know. I
will visit as many people as I can.
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