Tuesday, Regional Bishop Djidere Nguembe Djidere Nestor invited me to attend the local meeting of Women for Christ (Femmes pour Christ – FPC). Groups of women from the ten Lutheran churches of Garoua Boulai met at Mbé Duka Church for the morning. I agreed to go although I didn’t really understand what I was getting into!
On the way, I stopped for fuel and the bishop got change
from the attendant so he had a bunch of 500 cfa bills. That was a signal; not that I understood it
at the time. (I’ll let you I on the
purpose upfront…) These district meetings take place once a quarter and the
hosting congregation rotates. The main
purpose is to raise money which is given to the hosting congregation. The women use it to complete some
project. The last group bought cement so
that the dirt floor in the church could be paved. They also made a small Women for Christ
building. In the process of raising
money, the women danced a lot, sharing laughter, money, food, and song.
The whole event began pretty much as usual; people were to
arrive at 8 a.m. and the meeting to start at 8:30. Of course, it was at 8:15
that the bishop stopped at my house to invite me. We got ready and left about 8:30; with the
stop at the gas station, we arrived about 9 a.m. Late?
Not really. Some women were
practicing nearby, but the church itself was empty. Things did get underway about 9:25…
In the meantime, I chatted with the bishop and Mbé Duka’s catechist. This is a congregation which has taken a lot
on initiative. The members raised money themselves
to build the church and pay for the metal roof (and its installation). Just recently they also painted the church
inside (blue-green – It is impressive
when a congregation takes full responsibility for its construction projects. (I know congregations in the USA do it, but
they can borrow money from a bank to help them and pay it over time. That doesn’t happen here in the cash-based
economy.) I believe they are also
building a guest house beside the church and on the other side already have the
catechist’s house.
look for it in later pictures) and out (a warm, sandy
color pictured here).
Normally at the start of the Sunday service, one of the
choirs processes into the church singing and dancing. For this meeting, each church group entered
singing and dancing. Another tradition
here is to put a coin or bill on the forehead of a singer or dancer that you
appreciate. You might even dance your
way up to do it. This is one of the
fund-raising aspects of this gathering.
Women with baskets (plastic colanders to me…) stood near the singers and
put the coins into it as singers where honored.
It took about 50 minutes for all the groups to enter and be seated. (This is why the bishop got change. Fortunately, I had a bunch already.)
Next there was a brief part of the liturgy with a message
from the bishop (about 7 minutes). By
the way, 95% of that happened was in Gbaya.
I was feeling pleased that I could generally follow what was happen – I
knew enough of the key words of the liturgy and could follow when a few French
words and church names were thrown in. I
have to admit that I didn’t understand the sermon…
Oh, I forgot to mention an important part. About five women acted a “soldiers” to direct
the groups and individuals. They were
dressed differently than the other women and carried rough approximations of
rifles made of wood. (I guess at some
time in the past, they carried real guns, but don’t do that anymore). They each also had a whistle which they blew
to keep time. (That part got to be annoying
to me.) There was also a young man who
played two drums.
Invited guests went to the catechist’s house to have tea,
bread, and bananas. Some had some
porridge, too. One of the guests
commented that no matter which song a group started to sing, all the women of
all the groups knew it and joined in. He
wondered when they practiced and how they all knew all the songs! I wonder, too; no one used song sheets or
The others stayed in the church and ate/drank there. At the end of this time, as we headed back to
the church, the bishop said to me that we only had the closing and then we
would go home. Well, maybe, but what a
closing… It lasted almost two more hours!
This is the part where I was pretty lost. There was no one near me I could ask for a
translation. I found out later, that it
is involved word play and challenges.
Individual women would stand up and encourage another church or an
individual to give more. One woman stood
in front of me and spoke. At the end I
said, “Mi zii na – I don’t understand,” but no one translated. Still, I figured it was a challenge for me to
give more, too. So, I stood up and
address them in English! I said that I
couldn’t understand the words, but I could figure out a challenge when it was
presented, so I held up a bill and gave it to the collectors. The women cheered; one even said “thank you.”
After a long time, the challenges ended and the secretary
read out the amounts given by each congregation. The total was about 200,000 cfa ($400) – not
bad since most of the collecting came in the form of 100 (20¢) or 500 ($1) cfa coins/bills put on many
different foreheads!
Women from each church had dresses made of the same
material. Some use the cloth made for
FPC, but others picked other cloth. I
spent some time enjoying the wide range of style of dresses made from the same
The program ended after the next site and date were
selected, prayers were said, and the Regional Bishop gave the benediction. But, it was not time to leave. Invited guests went back to the catechist’s
house where we were served lunch. I got
home about 2 p.m. and had had a great morning!
Thanks, Susan. This is great! Yes, I would love to join you on your porch. :)